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There is no coincidence regarding Olympia’s decision to open her studio within the special atmo-

sphere of Psiri. Ιs one of the oldest neighborhoods  in  Athens located  between Athinas shopping

street, Monastiraki square and Square of Agion Asomaton | Thisio. Until the end of the 1900s, Psiri

was a working class neighbourhood that was full of leather workshops typesetters , fixtures , shops

with material  for making clothing . Some of them still remain , to remihnd  the  visitor of its 

primarily industrial and commercial use.

As years passed by, a lot of the traditional houses and  buildings were renovated in light of the

local architecture,  mixing old and new together. Today it is a MUST stop for any visitor arriving to

the city of Athens. It has become a living cultural center with some schools of art and small thea-

tres, coffee shops and restaurants, modern hotels  and remarkable design and craft shops that

are hidden in the smaller alleys.



It is for sure the place to visit all day long for knowing something not ordinary at all, lively and so

Athenian. The poetic spirit  of Psiri  is not  something  you can fully experience through words:

you have to feel it for yourself. It’s a mixture old and new, ancient and modern into a gentle

composition called “Home”.



Olympia Ntelidaki Jewellery studio | 24-26 Pallados street 105 54 Heroon Square (Psiri) Athens